Welding processes and methods can introduce a number of contaminants and metallurgical defects into even the best welding job. Regularly conducting nondestructive testing ensures your plant or workshop won’t suffer from a future shutdown because of defects that may emerge from various tube failures.
ARC performs nondestructive testing services for any type of tubing you would find in a heat exchanger or condenser in the steam cycle, cooling water, service water systems, or process systems. ARC may also examine the welding techniques with our distinct acoustic emission techniques in your production and assembly line to see the parameters you use properly to join two materials. Feedback from this can be vital for any workshop or plant. With our regularly conducted tests, ARC can even help drive down your customer costs due to the improvement of your plant's conditions, consistency, and accessibility.
We take pride in the quality of service and professionalism we deliver in all tests we conduct. We know that your quality of work is only made possible due to the training, experience, and expertise of the people you employ – and the same goes for us. You have high standards, and so do we because they benefit everyone. Our staff is fully certified and regularly professionally developed in accordance with the American Society of Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) SNT-TC-1A standards.
Tests We Conduct
ARC conducts the following tests to ensure your next inspection passes with flying colors:
RT (Radiography) - Film and Computed (Iridium, Selenium, Cobalt)
UT (Ultrasound) - Flaw Detection (Manual, Semi-Automated, Automated) PAUT, Shear Wave
UT (Ultrasound) - Corrosion Mapping (Manual, Automated)
ET (Eddy Current) - Surface, Tubular, and Pulsed Thru-insulation (CUI)
GW (Guided Wave) - Magnetostrictive System (MsS)
MT (Magnetic Particle)
PT (Liquid Penetrant)
VT (Visual Inspection)
HD - King Brinell, Rockwell, Newage Pin Brinell, Telebrineller, and Equotip GUL-Guided Wave
We offer comprehensive turnkey NDT assessments with full engineering and execution condition assessments for most ASME NR, R Stamp, and API Code Repairs. Our NDT methods and applications are being continuously developed and refined so your inspections go smoothly. Hazards and economic loss can be devastating to your company, and ARC will ensure it doesn’t happen.
These assessments help to ensure you:
Reduce the occurrence of unplanned stoppages from costly downtime periods after poor inspection results
Minimize risks and hazards whilst improving your plant’s and the wider community’s safety protocols
Streamline your client procurement processes
Additionally, ARC offers consulting and vendor management services in the following areas:
Protective coatings specialists (SSPC-PCS)
Quality audits/consulting (ASQ-CQA)
NDE training (ASNT Level III-MT, PT, RT, UT & VT)
Welding procedure development and testing
Documentation controls and final report packages
Contact ARC for all your nondestructive testing requirements and ensure your next inspection goes off without a hitch.