Hurricane Ian is the latest storm to devastate Florida, the Caribbean, and the East Coast. Every hurricane season can demolish homes, destroy businesses, and even take human lives. Ian’s final cost is still being tallied and estimates have already reached millions of dollars. Whether you live in a hurricane zone or other parts of the country, severe weather is a threat everywhere. Explore these expert tips to keep your business and community safe during severe storms, watches, and warnings.
Plan Ahead for Severe Weather
You can protect your business from severe weather by making a plan. Think about the weather your region normally sees, and don’t forget freak storms or “once-in-a-generation” events. Then make a response plan for these events.
It’s easier to plan for some types of severe weather than others. Modern weather technology offers advanced warnings for hurricanes, blizzards, and other storms that build up before striking. Tornados and flash floods, on the other hand, can be harder to predict. Whatever weather you’re facing, an advance plan will help your company make it through to the other side. Explore the following foundations of your emergency plan.
Evacuation Routes
If your business is near a major body of water, you may have evacuation routes for hurricanes, tsunamis, floods, and other water emergencies. Other parts of the country have wildfire evacuation routes. Post evacuation routes throughout your business and in company vehicles to prepare for emergencies.
Emergency Contacts
People need to get in touch with each other after emergencies. Make sure your employees keep their emergency contacts up to date. Employees should be able to contact at least their supervisor during an emergency. Your company should also be able to reach an employee’s loved ones if they’re caught in severe weather on the job.
Monitor Weather Conditions
Keep an eye on the forecast whenever severe weather is predicted. Staying informed will help you make decisions, share updates with customers and clients, and keep your staff safe.
Stock Up Ahead Of Time
Supplies are vital during and after a weather emergency. Advance preparation helps you avoid shortages or buying frenzies. Build a stockpile of the following supplies to see your company through an emergency.
A power generator can keep your lights on and phones open after a power loss. Consider investing in a generator to keep your operation running during severe weather. Make sure to train many employees on how to use the generator. This ensures someone will know how to operate the generator when you need it most. Don't forget to plan for safe fuel storage, either.
Food And Water
Bottled water and nonperishable food supplies are a must during any emergency. If severe weather catches you by surprise, employees or customers may need to ride out the storm at your location. Food and water will keep people comfortable during this event.
First Aid Kits
A first aid kit is an important part of daily operations, but it’s also necessary during severe weather. Keep your kit up to date with fresh, non-expired supplies in case anyone needs care. You can also keep a crank-powered weather radio, flashlights, batteries, fire extinguishers, and other necessities in your kit.
Training And Certifications
After you make weather emergency plans, it's time to put them into action. Make sure your employees are familiar with the plans so they know what to do during an emergency. Drills and practice sessions are proven ways to build practical skills. You can also consider sponsoring certification classes for your employees. First aid, CPR, and other certifications teach people how to react during emergencies like severe weather.
Staying Safe During Severe Weather
Major storms are an uncontrollable part of life. You can’t stop severe weather from impacting your business, but you can improve your team's response. Making plans, gathering supplies, and training your staff are all valuable strategies to help your company survive severe weather, then thrive during the recovery.